Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I believe in angels, the kind that save you

Woo hoo. I hope i'm doing this right.

Alright, so i had a lot of pictures i wanted to put on here, but it's kind of much. So i put them in a slideshow.. Hope that's alright :]

Anyway, the pictures i didn't really mess with at all except maybe two or three of them.. You'll know when you see them. it's just their color.

Well these are just pictures around where i live or just random shots i wanted to take :) Hope you like them.

--hahaha i accidentally spelled a lot of things on there wrong. You'll see---



SWA said...

Lol nice pictures, and spellings! I really like the one with the leaf on the water, its peaceful. Also welcome to the blog, we hope you have a fun time posting stuff!
-the sushi cheft

p.s. who invited you, Livie23?

happy_endings93 said...

thank you :] and nay i just kind of sent an email and was like asking about it and i joined woo hoo........ if that's what you meant lol.

SWA said...

oh ok did u send it to the F.C. email?

happy_endings93 said...

most likely.. :| i dont know ha ha

Livie23 said...

nice pics!

Sydney said...

i like these pcitures!

LuxeCouture said...

Nice pics! I like the duckies!

Techie57 said...

Nice pics, glad you posted. I invited her, Cheft. She emailed FreeCountry and I answered. You know I'm the only one who checks that thing.