found some of my wood shop projects that I made this year, and last year, and they're kinda kool. Here's some pictures.
Well this was my most recent creation, a mirror and shelf. The design is a Native American eagle picture. This took me most of hte year only because I helped out, and hung out with my friends then. The stain I used was called special walnut, it was that or some cherry thing. I was gonna do the cherry, but then a friend talked me outta it.
This is just a closer look at the design, if you can't tell, i kinda messed up on the outside of the eagle cuz I was cuttin too fast =( . Oh well can't do anything about it now. Also for some strange reason my class mates were telling me that mine was really smooth, even when I could still feel a ton of bumps left by the finish*.
This was the jewelry box, first eighth grade project in wood shop! As you can see it's got a lizard for the center design. Not much else to mention, i put the box top on crooked (my mistake!), and I stained the lizard a different color then the box at first (whoops!)asides from that, nothing much was worth mentioning it.
This is a spice rack, I made it 7th grade, best shop class ever, had a ton of really kool guys in it. Since it really doesn't go in the kitchen, i use it for legos!
This is a gum ball machine, my first ever wood shop project!
These were just cut out pieces from some of the projects. I think that the one on the left looks like a yoshi baby who's mom did crystal meth before he was born. lol! The one on right looks like a giraffe I think.
Well thats all for now g2g sleep. Ciao for now!
nice! I cant do wood shop 4 my life, but i am pretty good with tools. =]
thanx, and thats very interesting, I wonder why?
Tools are fun. I can't really do woodshop, either, but I know about tools from tech class. :D
Nice stuff, the Cheft. You got skills. MAD skills.
ty techie! =D
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