You know I do to. That picture was one of the first really good pictures I took on that trip. (mainly because I finally figured out how to use my camera by then lol)
This website is a place started by teenagers for teenagers. Here, teens can post creative content of their own making, such as art, photos, or writing. They can also carry on discussions about world issues. If you're interested in joining, please scroll down to read the rules of this website, also in this sidebar. If you agree to comply with these rules your request to join should be sent to We will not use your email address for ANY OTHER PURPOSE than to put you on our stafflist. When we do, an email should be sent to you from Blogger which will contain the necessary information for you to open an account here. Thanks, and enjoy!
Hey guys, we're killing the rules for a while. Nobody really seems to have the patience/time to put work on here, so we can just talk about whatever we want. This may or may not be a permanent development. Have fun!
It may sound stiff and overformal, but we need 'em: FreeCountry has rules. By requesting to join, know that you automatically agree with them.
-Creative writing -Nonfictional writing
-Flash animation
-PhotoShop creations -Psychic Revelations
-Internet links and Internet content (you can post this only if you give some information about what you're sharing, since it isn't strictly yours)
-Teaching posts (posts that show others the ropes of your post content are good from time to time) -Discussion posts (talks about current world issues or problems on a smaller scale - conversations can take place in the comments section)
Rule #1: First and foremost, to put it quite simply, if you aren't between 12 and 18, you can look but not touch. FreeCountry is for teens who want a voice and a place to show their work, but nobody else. If you're some creepy Internet stalker pretending to be a teenager, you shouldn't be here, either. This site has no personal information, and there is absolutely nothing X-rated on it. Go away.
Rule #2: A few FreeCountry users - namely, its founders - will be registered as administrators. The rest of you will be authors. Now, everyone is equal on this site, so the admin members are NOT here to take control - but they do have all privileges related to this blog. Authors have most privileges, but not all of them. If you are an author, you are an author - that's final. No begging for admin status. Additionally, no termination of others' privileges without reason. "For revenge" is not a valid reason. Take it outside.
Rule #3: FreeCountry is a creative work posting site. It is NOT a site for people to say stupid things, it is NOT a discussion site, and it is NOT a webspamming site, either. If you're going to post, it will be either creative work, or you won't be posting anymore.
Rule #4: You aren't the only one on FreeCountry. There are more teens here, and they're ALL posting creative work. To each his own. NO making fun of other teens' stuff in the comments section.
Rule #5: The comment section is a place for constructive criticism, reviews of others' work, and the like. No stupid discussions and nothing mean, and absolutely no extensive advertisements for your own sites. Nobody wants to see your stuff, at least not from here. Find somewhere else to advertise. Comments that don't comply with these rules will be deleted and their authors will be warned.
Rule #6: Keep it clean. There is absolutely NO TOLERANCE for any inappropriate posts. A mild level of suggestiveness is fine. Beyond that, anyone who posts that sort of thing will be promptly evicted from the site. This is NOT the place for porn. We don't care how much you like it or how much you think it's in popular demand. And if you DO like it, we don't really want you here anyway. Go find some other rock to crawl under and watch your dirty movies, and leave us alone.
The Punishment System: For all freestanding societies, there has to be some form of justice, so here's ours. Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in a single warning. That is all you will get. The end. After that, another disobedience will cause you to be stripped of your account and promptly evicted from the site. You will NOT be allowed back. All comments that you post as an outsider will be deleted.
And finally, Communication: From the FreeCountry homepage, while you are signed in, by clicking on "Customize" in the top right corner, going to "Settings", and clicking on "Permissions", you can access a list of members of the site. If you have a question or a request for one of the admin members, feel free to contact them by their emails, which are listed there. Spamming, annoying, or otherwise making yourself obnoxious by way of email will result in getting yourself blocked and evicted from the site.
That picture of the Monument reflecting in the water is really, really cool.
thanx i wish i could have gotten it when the pond/lake/pool was calm though.
It looks like it is in the photo. It's not?
nice. Like flowers, huh? They calm the appearance of the pics.
i guess. The flowers were some of the best pictures i took on that trip.
That first picture of the flowers is the best one, I think. It's pretty.
You know I do to. That picture was one of the first really good pictures I took on that trip. (mainly because I finally figured out how to use my camera by then lol)
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