Saturday, June 7, 2008

They just keep coming!

So yeah, i've taken more pictures once again! You have to slow the whole thing down.. i couldn't figure out how to make it slower ha ha ha sadly.. i'm not a computer genius. Stay with me here ha ha. So in the beginning of the slide show i've got a couple of pictures i've taken randomly again, and the rest are from my hike that i went on last weekend.

It was, well really long ha ha. 25 miles long so.. yeah. I took pictures on the way in and when we turned around i stopped. I was way too tired and hot to take pictures ha ha ha but yeah! I hope you enjoy seeing Utah in all of it's colors! ha ha ha.. yes :) enjoy.

Oh, if you hover your mouse thing over some of the pictures have captions. just FYI. :] maybe.. probably not. never mind ha ha ha

thanks! comment please! bye


SWA said...

wow, thats one helluva long hike, I mean jezus, you must be really fit! I really like the flag picture, its really kool with the different color effect! Nice pics in general, keep posting!

SWA said...

also did u really post around 1:00 am?

happy_endings93 said...

haha thanks. yeah i guess, my being in shape tho doesn't make me any less skinnier sadly ha ha ha ha ha anyway yeah i did cause i was waiting for the frickin slideshow to download hahaha omg it was horrible. but thats okay i didn't have anything else to do :) ha ha ha also cause i don't do those things often and yeah.. i always have a ton of pics so yeah