OK everyone, it's time for my weekly post of total crap. Let's see...
I made a new logo for this blog. Anyone notice how much cooler it looks? If yah didn't, then you suck. Ah...the magic of PhotoShop. And the magic of having nothing better to do.
OK, so I have an observation to make. People are lazy. Very lazy. I do not deny that I am one of these lazy people. In America, and many other locations throughout the world, we have truly entered an era of laziness. An era where new innovations only exist to fuel the laziness of our current culture. What brought this on? I have no idea. What could get rid of it? A few days without any electricity would probably do the trick. Well, I take back the statement that I don't know what brought it on. The revolution of products that limit the amount of work Man has to do brought it on. They sure as hell seemed like a good idea at the time...and yet now, look at all the fat people. What have we done to ourselves?
In a completely unrelated topic, anyone hear about the woman who got killed by the stingray? Or rather, should have gotten killed by a stingray? She got hit over the head by a jumping ray, and then fell down, and got killed when her head hit something. That something killed her. Now see here is where I get slightly pissed off. There was more publicity given to this story then to the death of Arthur C. Clarke, one of the fathers of Science Fiction. As much as I really don't give a crap which famous writer just died, it still doesn't make sense that an Almost-Ray-Murder scores more media points than the death of a writer. I would say that a ray hitting someone should score even lower than a football player ODing (which happens a lot). This is the unfortunate state of press these days. Whatever scores ratings is the news that they will display. Fark is always a good source of other crap like this.
And lastly, I've been working on retouching in PhotoShop. Retouching of people, that is. Here is an example of my work so far:
Notice the suspicious lack of pimples...
I'm sure I'll have more crap to post next week, cause I'll have a full week to collect it.
Just remember, Carter, you can't photoshop a personality... Although, with modern technology these days, I wouldn't be surprised...
Give Adobe some time, they'll figure it out....
1. i agree about the media, and it's state of suckishness, and also about the state of laziness. but i do disagree about whether a few days without power would fix the problem: it might make people less lazy, but it would cause rioting and looting, which in my books at least, is worse. and the reason people are so lazy is rather obvious: it's built into human nature that people want to do as little as they have to. the only difference now from any other point in history is that, due to technological advances, the amount of work people HAVE to do is severely lower. so people do less, because they don't absolutely NEED to.
2. retouching i can understand, but given that you're a guy and those clearly cannot be pictures of you, and that they're not porn (which would be understandable in the sense that people are generally rather horny), why the hell did you have that creepy picture of a girl feeling her face on your laptop in the first place?
Thanks for the cool new theme too.
I have to say that I agree with Catman about the idea of going without power. I can't help but think about what happened during the Katrina aftermath. While that was on a much larger scale on many levels, it was the same basic principal: no power and no safety meant people taking what they could when they could and running away with it. Lazy people are, however, still a major problem with unfortunately high influence.
in essence you americans are screwed in the long term.
Cheft, you may not be FROM here, but you live here now, OK? LOL.
The photo is from an acne treatment company's website, idiot...
i'm not an idiot.
Alright, how about pervert.
Try not to kill each other, please.
Don't worry, I wouldn't hit a woman.
Said the weirdo with the creepy picture who spends all his time doing crap that affects NOBODY.
now, now people.... please stop bickering its getting annoying. and anyways we should be posting constructed criticism or complements and not "insulting" each other on this site's comments pages. so GROW UP
Affects nobody my ass. I have written a program with over 35,000 users worldwide, that has been featured on blogs, and in magazines. What have YOU done?
The Cheft has a point. A GOOD point, even. Score one for the Cheft.
What's the point of fighting about nothing anyway? And getting mean about it, too? Don't make me give you guys your official warnings. That would pretty much suck for you.
point for me!
*points at catman*
He started it.
OK, to give you guys a chance since this site is just about to take off, I'm not going to give you the official warnings. (A rare stroke of mercy.) However, for the moment, I AM killing your admin privileges. You are now authors. You can be admin again if you behave civilly.
can u guys please stop being asses to each other.
One would hope.
OK fine.
Yeah, yeah, ok. Admittedly, however, all i did in the first place was make a joke about his picture. He was the one who started the flame war. But regardless, it's over now.
Glad you've all finished now. Moving on... we're putting this website on StumbleUpon on Sunday, so if you have the time to post before it makes its debut, that would be great... thanks!
Yeah, ok. We can't exactly shake hands over the Internet, but i'd say we have an uneasy truce. No more fighting. Can we be Admins again?
Yes, Admin-ship would be nice.
Fine, fine. Admin privileges restored... for now.
Look what happens when I leave for a week! Man, you people can't survive without me.
And I didn't know we were proceeding to put it on stumbleupon on sunday. That was not news I had recieved.
lol what u be talkin about jacob? i has its unders controls!
Sam and I had it under control the whole time. Mostly.
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