Thought I might post a few of the pix I took in DC... Just a few, though.
Take note, none of them have been doctored as of yet, excepting the last one. That had too much bloom to see the detail in the background, and no program I have could get the detail back, so I just made it black-and-white.
It's the Bell X-1, the one that broke the sound barrier. That's the smithsonian it's in.
This one barely makes 'decent' grade, but I still had to wait a long time for the sun to come out so I could take it. I like the clouds behind the capitol, though.
This one is REALLY cool.... I don't know, it's something about the light coming through the clouds and the way the statue is facing that I really like.
This is where I start becoming satisfied with my pictures a little more. The cherry blossoms provided a great accessory to the Jefferson Memorial in this picture.
In this next one, I got Jefferson and a passage right by him in the same picture- kinda going for the inspirational feel. I don't know- I just felt like it, being in the memorial and all. Click on the picture, and it'll probably give you a larger size, (I'm not COMPLETELY sure) where you can read the passage. My camera's really high-resolution, so that shouldn't be a problem.
This is the FDR memorial... I just couldn't resist the opportunity to take a picture of the waterfall. I think this might look really good as a black+white pic, so I'll try that out later. What do you guise think?
This one turned out really good, because of the different blossoms. Well- even if you guys don't like it, I still do.
Oh well. I'll find some way.
Hasta, everybody. Remember, don't be afraid to provide some criticism- but keep in mind, I'm an amateur (the very definition of the word). I might not know what you're talking about sometimes. LOL.
Don't use these pics as your own, PLZ.
Now playing: Lenny Kravitz - Bank Robber Man
via FoxyTunes
Awesome. I'm glad to hear you're back. Mostly good photos, i loved the ones with the blossoms, and the one with the memorial in the background and the branch in the foreground produced a cool effect as well.
Thanks. Do you know anything I could use for that lantern picture? I think it could be great if I could just get the detail back. It looks.... artsy?
Most things have a sharpen feature, if you just want to make it look cleaner and more detailed. But you can't actually put in detail that wasn't there in the picture. I don't know really....ask Hannah or What's-his-face(Pessimystic).
I know you can- Photosuite (what I'm using) has that function. There are some programs, though, with a restore function, where they take detail from the picture using mathematical algorithms. Like on then numbers episode we saw in Conley's math class.
Glad to hear I've earned a rep as an expert.
Those are some great photos, Nake. You have a good eye. I don't really know how to fix that picture, but if you could it would be even better. I suggest trying to make the sky bluer so the flowers don't melt into it so much.
I will say though, that lantern picture looks kind of cool the way it is. I know it's not the way you want it, but it looks all wintery and quiet. It's pretty.
Send me the original ( ) and I'll see what I can do with it.
That's okay, Carter, I think I'm satisfied, actually. Plus, photoshop (though it can do many things) can't restore the actual data. My dad probably knows a couple programs that can, so I'll ask him, but if not, I've decided to let it be.
let it be, let it BEE, let it be, let it be!
There will be an answer,
Let it be!
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