I know this is a dumb subject ha ha but i just wanted to say..
I really liked the movie! I read the book wayy before it got popular and i thought oh this is a good book but then it got over publicized (if that's even a word ha ha) and then i go oh well that's stupid..
BUT when i heard there was a movie coming out i was really mad because that's even MORE stupid ha ha and i wasn't excited to see it at all.
Then i went and saw it last night because a couple of friends wanted to go and i tagged along.
I really was so surprised when it was over because i really liked it. Of course it's not better than the book, never could or will be but it's kind of nice to see some parts of the book on something visual, instead of trying to imagine it ya know? Of course Robert (Edward) wasn't the greatest looking guy ever but after the movie i was kind of attracted to him a little bit more ha ha not much though but i didn't think of Harry Potter the whole time ha ha it was crazy.
Jacob is OK looking too, no one in the movie was really that great looking ha ha but.. the kid playing Jacob did a really good job too i think. Bella did a good job too, most of it was perfect in a sense for her, but she had some really awkward parts.. because she looks like she never changes face, but that's probably just me. Charlie was really good too, i liked the girl playing Alice a lot, Jasper was kind of creepy lookin ha ha but great none the less, Emmett did a good job too, Rosalie was definitely a bizznitch in this one ha ha she did a great job of that role, James scared me for sure, Victoria looked creepy but great too, Mike was funny, Jessica ehh.. perfect ha ha, Angela was good too (idk her name? is that it?), Eric (?) was funny/asian, umm...... Carslile (idk how to spell that) did a good job too, Esme was alright.. i don't really like that actor tho, and Billy was OK too lol i think overall the actors tried their best and did what they could and it turned out pretty good ^^
Now.. not being like the book definitely was dumb, but i like some of the changes they put in it just because it maybe makes more sense and makes it more interesting to watch? If the movie had been exactly like the book, no one would be interested for a long time because the first 100 pages or so in the book are kind of a yawn.. but I don't know just my opinion. :)
I think they did a really great job turning it into a movie also because it just sets everything up for the next 3 movies if they are going to make them so...
I definitely recommend going to see it lol. Some of it was a little.. awkward or fake ish but that's how vampire stuff is supposed to be right? So it made the movie even bettah.
Anyone else see it? Thoughts?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated
That's right: I still exist, and I'm still doing stuff. I was left without a computer for a few months after my loaner was stolen, and lately I've been busy with school, but I'm still here. I exist in the minds of those who wish to remember me. Now: post toast.
Being an insomniac, a procrastinator, and a flash gaming addict, I often stay up until two or three in the morning. This causes me to be struck by inspiration at odd times of the day, namely those where the only people I can talk to are those in another time zone. Here's something I wrote last night, not that any of you care.
A subway in a tunnel. Everybody's got somewhere to go, and they keep on going. Some of the lights are out; the interior of the train is bathed in the eerie glow of the flashing lights on the tunnel walls. They pass too quickly to focus on one in particular. In reality, of course, they don't move at all. The lights stand still, it is we who move. We are permitted to glimpse them only briefly, as we hurtle by at speeds unimaginable to those who came before us, and yet we pay them no heed.
There's a girl, sitting alone at one end of the aisle. Brown skin and blue eyes, she's about fourteen. Too young to be riding the subway alone, really, in a city like this. But these are crazy times and she has neither time nor money to spare. She has a black backpack slung over one shoulder, her opposite hand clutching the strap tight, as if holding it was reassurance of its solidity, its reality. Reassurance that her possessions are not merely figments of her imagination.
The subway grinds to a halt, pulling up to a concrete slab littered with trash. The eternal travelers depart, setting off on their many ways. The girl steps off last, reluctantly setting foot on the dirty tile of the station, walking past a tall man in a tattered gray uniform as she does so. "End of the line," he says, his expression blank. She walks on.
She walks past the beggars, the bustling commerce, the broken turnstiles and the overflowing garbage cans, striding toward the grand concrete stairs into the overworld. Climbing the stairs, she emerges into the light. The sun is painfully bright, blinding those who rise from the subway station. An empty infinity of asphalt stretches out before her. A metal pole stands, desolate and alone. It juts upward, violating mother sky. It may once have held a flag, but whatever symbol lay upon that faded banner has long since been eroded by the passage of time. There is nothing.
Being an insomniac, a procrastinator, and a flash gaming addict, I often stay up until two or three in the morning. This causes me to be struck by inspiration at odd times of the day, namely those where the only people I can talk to are those in another time zone. Here's something I wrote last night, not that any of you care.
A subway in a tunnel. Everybody's got somewhere to go, and they keep on going. Some of the lights are out; the interior of the train is bathed in the eerie glow of the flashing lights on the tunnel walls. They pass too quickly to focus on one in particular. In reality, of course, they don't move at all. The lights stand still, it is we who move. We are permitted to glimpse them only briefly, as we hurtle by at speeds unimaginable to those who came before us, and yet we pay them no heed.
There's a girl, sitting alone at one end of the aisle. Brown skin and blue eyes, she's about fourteen. Too young to be riding the subway alone, really, in a city like this. But these are crazy times and she has neither time nor money to spare. She has a black backpack slung over one shoulder, her opposite hand clutching the strap tight, as if holding it was reassurance of its solidity, its reality. Reassurance that her possessions are not merely figments of her imagination.
The subway grinds to a halt, pulling up to a concrete slab littered with trash. The eternal travelers depart, setting off on their many ways. The girl steps off last, reluctantly setting foot on the dirty tile of the station, walking past a tall man in a tattered gray uniform as she does so. "End of the line," he says, his expression blank. She walks on.
She walks past the beggars, the bustling commerce, the broken turnstiles and the overflowing garbage cans, striding toward the grand concrete stairs into the overworld. Climbing the stairs, she emerges into the light. The sun is painfully bright, blinding those who rise from the subway station. An empty infinity of asphalt stretches out before her. A metal pole stands, desolate and alone. It juts upward, violating mother sky. It may once have held a flag, but whatever symbol lay upon that faded banner has long since been eroded by the passage of time. There is nothing.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
hi everyone.
It's been a while. Sorry I haven't really posted anything. I have photos which may or may not end up on here. Someday. LOL. Life's been really busy what with high school and all that...
So since we're kind of losing our creative-material touch since everyone's been so busy, just post about anything you want to talk about. Nobody really cares anymore as long as it's not porn or something.
After all, it is a free country...
So since we're kind of losing our creative-material touch since everyone's been so busy, just post about anything you want to talk about. Nobody really cares anymore as long as it's not porn or something.
After all, it is a free country...
Monday, September 15, 2008
school is awesome i think. yeah.. i'm getting a lot of homework, but it's manageable i love it XD lot's of great stuff. i joined the photography club too wish me luck! ha ha rocket summer concert is this friday for me XD i'm so stoked!! wooooo hooooo
anyway. have a grand fantabulous great week everyone XD hope all is well for you as it has been for me! (except my ipod -.-'''''') :D
anyway. have a grand fantabulous great week everyone XD hope all is well for you as it has been for me! (except my ipod -.-'''''') :D
Sunday, September 14, 2008
long time, no post!
Hey, sorry everyone for not posting since like, the fourth of July. just stoppng in and saying: 'WHY THE HELL DID SUMMER HAVE TO END?!?!' school is boring and right now im procrastinating about 3 hours worth of HW during the last few hours of sunday. so ive gotta go. enjoy the rest of the weekend! (and PLEASE people! keep posting!)
Hello everyone
I haven't posted in.....almost forever. Sorry, I've had some difficult things going on. Anyways, I thought I'd show off some recent and not so recent Photoshop creations.
A new icon (not sure for what):
A creepy bit of doctoring (original image courtesy of Techie):
And then a fairly cool wallpaper:
That's it for now folks.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Haha my line.. anywayss
So.. I don't want to start some huge dumb politic fight cause it really doesn't matter to me, but... i'm kind of curious. Who does everyone want to win? Obama or Mccain? Personally, i like Obama better, but that's just me :) I want to know what everyone thinks about this ha ha. I don't want to fight or see who is better or anything cause like i said, i don't care.. at all.. ha ha so yeah i'm just kind of curious. If you could vote, who would you vote for?
Oh my hello kitty land!!
Sorry, I had to steal that line there. I just wanted to revive this blog, in case anyone out there still has any interest in submitting something. All I have at the moment to submit is my 20-page paper on supersonic aerodynamics that I wrote for science last year (What fun!) so i won't submit anything. but i thought I'd try to liven up the place.
Friday, August 15, 2008
So I Really Hate..
Child Abuse!!! Oh my hello kitty land! Why the frick do people do that?! Hitting a little kid?? Blaming the thing for your problems? Yeah right! I hate how people get mad cause they had a kid by accident and then beat up the thing! Srrsly! You shouldn't get pissed! You are the one that got horny and had sex so why can't you just accept the fact that babies come from unprotected sex!!!! Good GRIEF! I seriously want to just punch everyone who is like that!! It's so uneccessary and immature!!!!! Good Grief. Sorry, just had to post this ha ha.
okay bye
okay bye
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
To Write Love On Her Arms
Man I really love the Rocket Summer XD He IS amazing. Anyway!
New pictures :D If you like them please check out my gallery at http://www.happy-endings93.deviantart.com
anyway! Have a great day everyone :)
New pictures :D If you like them please check out my gallery at http://www.happy-endings93.deviantart.com
anyway! Have a great day everyone :)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
no mudkipz this teim.
I went to wander around my neighborhood and take pictures, in a way that i could have a kind of photographic memento of my past for 20-30 years from now when i want to look back, and i ended up taking an awesome picture. (I was lucky to get this one, because the sun was directly above me in the sky, and any good photographer knows that makes for horrible lighting. unless, of course, you're taking a picture of a body of water, as seen here.)
I'm frankly quite happy that I managed to get a picture like that at that time of day. I'll go for another round in the evening- hopefully i'll get something else worth posting.
And suddenly, pictures I forgot about!
I'm frankly quite happy that I managed to get a picture like that at that time of day. I'll go for another round in the evening- hopefully i'll get something else worth posting.
And suddenly, pictures I forgot about!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy 4Th Of July!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008

This is my favorite Alaska photo of all. Click to enlarge. The resolution is very high, though, so don't have too many apps running if you try downloading this thing. Just to give you an idea, if I were to print this out in its current size, it would be over 7 feet long.
Give some credit to PessiMystic for stitching together the 7 shots needed to form this panorama.
Massive Alaska post
Sorry this is so late in coming!
Flying in...

The day after that, we had to get up at the crack of dawn to drive down to Prince William Sound, where we got on a boat and did an educational cruise-type thing over the day. It was beautiful weather, which they said was really unusual.

We saw otters.

And kittiwakes.

LOTS of kittiwakes.

The day after that, we went to the Alaska Zoo, just outside of Anchorage. We saw a lot of native animals there.
A bald eagle...

A yak...

A seal, LOL...

A wolf...

Some hilarious-looking alpaca things...

And a snow leopard, among others.

After we were in Anchorage, we drove two hours up into the Alaskan Interior to a tiny little town called Talkeetna. This is where most of the bush planes bringing climbers to Mt. McKinley (a.k.a. Denali) take off. It was a pretty cool little place; I liked it the best of all the places we stayed.

Mt. McKinley - or Denali, whichever you prefer, though Denali is the prettier name. That means "The High One", in case you didn't know. And it certainly is.

This is just a cool one I took on a hike. The water was so reflective, like glass.
While we were in Denali, we went on a bus tour into the park. We're talking no people for miles and miles around, except for the other ones on the bus. And we saw some pretty cool stuff.

Including a fox carrying around a snowshoe hare twice its own size.

And a great horned owl with the yellowest eyes I've ever seen on anything, except maybe the ones of that wolf.

There was also a REALLY fat little ground squirrel.

And bears. Now, the park ranger we'd talked to the day before made it sound like if we were lucky we might even see a ptarmigan and a hare - which made this even more amusing. She said she hadn't seen a grizzly yet that season. Well, we saw a total of four bears, but this was the one that came closest to the bus.

Such a gorgeous creature.

A caribou - one of a very small herd - drinking water from one of the little streams on a gravel bar.

And a moose, the last of the really interesting wildlife we saw.

On the last day in Denali, during the drive back to Anchorage, we stopped at an overlook - and from there, you could see Denali Mountain, clear as day. Usually it's bathed in clouds and fog, like it was in the Talkeetna post. But this was all of it, the whole thing. It was so big, I couldn't even believe it.
Flying in...
The day after that, we had to get up at the crack of dawn to drive down to Prince William Sound, where we got on a boat and did an educational cruise-type thing over the day. It was beautiful weather, which they said was really unusual.
We saw otters.
And kittiwakes.
LOTS of kittiwakes.
The day after that, we went to the Alaska Zoo, just outside of Anchorage. We saw a lot of native animals there.
A bald eagle...
A yak...
A seal, LOL...
A wolf...
Some hilarious-looking alpaca things...
And a snow leopard, among others.
After we were in Anchorage, we drove two hours up into the Alaskan Interior to a tiny little town called Talkeetna. This is where most of the bush planes bringing climbers to Mt. McKinley (a.k.a. Denali) take off. It was a pretty cool little place; I liked it the best of all the places we stayed.
Mt. McKinley - or Denali, whichever you prefer, though Denali is the prettier name. That means "The High One", in case you didn't know. And it certainly is.
This is just a cool one I took on a hike. The water was so reflective, like glass.
While we were in Denali, we went on a bus tour into the park. We're talking no people for miles and miles around, except for the other ones on the bus. And we saw some pretty cool stuff.
Including a fox carrying around a snowshoe hare twice its own size.
And a great horned owl with the yellowest eyes I've ever seen on anything, except maybe the ones of that wolf.
There was also a REALLY fat little ground squirrel.
And bears. Now, the park ranger we'd talked to the day before made it sound like if we were lucky we might even see a ptarmigan and a hare - which made this even more amusing. She said she hadn't seen a grizzly yet that season. Well, we saw a total of four bears, but this was the one that came closest to the bus.
Such a gorgeous creature.
A caribou - one of a very small herd - drinking water from one of the little streams on a gravel bar.
And a moose, the last of the really interesting wildlife we saw.
On the last day in Denali, during the drive back to Anchorage, we stopped at an overlook - and from there, you could see Denali Mountain, clear as day. Usually it's bathed in clouds and fog, like it was in the Talkeetna post. But this was all of it, the whole thing. It was so big, I couldn't even believe it.
They just keep coming!
So yeah, i've taken more pictures once again! You have to slow the whole thing down.. i couldn't figure out how to make it slower ha ha ha sadly.. i'm not a computer genius. Stay with me here ha ha. So in the beginning of the slide show i've got a couple of pictures i've taken randomly again, and the rest are from my hike that i went on last weekend.
It was, well really long ha ha. 25 miles long so.. yeah. I took pictures on the way in and when we turned around i stopped. I was way too tired and hot to take pictures ha ha ha but yeah! I hope you enjoy seeing Utah in all of it's colors! ha ha ha.. yes :) enjoy.
Oh, if you hover your mouse thing over some of the pictures have captions. just FYI. :] maybe.. probably not. never mind ha ha ha
thanks! comment please! bye
It was, well really long ha ha. 25 miles long so.. yeah. I took pictures on the way in and when we turned around i stopped. I was way too tired and hot to take pictures ha ha ha but yeah! I hope you enjoy seeing Utah in all of it's colors! ha ha ha.. yes :) enjoy.
Oh, if you hover your mouse thing over some of the pictures have captions. just FYI. :] maybe.. probably not. never mind ha ha ha
thanks! comment please! bye
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wood Shop Projects
Well I was cealnin out my room today, and jezus is it a mess! Well I've
found some of my wood shop projects that I made this year, and last year, and they're kinda kool. Here's some pictures.

Well this was my most recent creation, a mirror and shelf. The design is a Native American eagle picture. This took me most of hte year only because I helped out, and hung out with my friends then. The stain I used was called special walnut, it was that or some cherry thing. I was gonna do the cherry, but then a friend talked me outta it.

This is just a closer look at the design, if you can't tell, i kinda messed up on the outside of the eagle cuz I was cuttin too fast =( . Oh well can't do anything about it now. Also for some strange reason my class mates were telling me that mine was really smooth, even when I could still feel a ton of bumps left by the finish*.

This was the jewelry box, first eighth grade project in wood shop! As you can see it's got a lizard for the center design. Not much else to mention, i put the box top on crooked (my mistake!), and I stained the lizard a different color then the box at first (whoops!)asides from that, nothing much was worth mentioning it.

This is a spice rack, I made it 7th grade, best shop class ever, had a ton of really kool guys in it. Since it really doesn't go in the kitchen, i use it for legos!

This is a gum ball machine, my first ever wood shop project!

These were just cut out pieces from some of the projects. I think that the one on the left looks like a yoshi baby who's mom did crystal meth before he was born. lol! The one on right looks like a giraffe I think.
Well thats all for now g2g sleep. Ciao for now!
found some of my wood shop projects that I made this year, and last year, and they're kinda kool. Here's some pictures.
Well this was my most recent creation, a mirror and shelf. The design is a Native American eagle picture. This took me most of hte year only because I helped out, and hung out with my friends then. The stain I used was called special walnut, it was that or some cherry thing. I was gonna do the cherry, but then a friend talked me outta it.
This is just a closer look at the design, if you can't tell, i kinda messed up on the outside of the eagle cuz I was cuttin too fast =( . Oh well can't do anything about it now. Also for some strange reason my class mates were telling me that mine was really smooth, even when I could still feel a ton of bumps left by the finish*.
This was the jewelry box, first eighth grade project in wood shop! As you can see it's got a lizard for the center design. Not much else to mention, i put the box top on crooked (my mistake!), and I stained the lizard a different color then the box at first (whoops!)asides from that, nothing much was worth mentioning it.
This is a spice rack, I made it 7th grade, best shop class ever, had a ton of really kool guys in it. Since it really doesn't go in the kitchen, i use it for legos!
This is a gum ball machine, my first ever wood shop project!
These were just cut out pieces from some of the projects. I think that the one on the left looks like a yoshi baby who's mom did crystal meth before he was born. lol! The one on right looks like a giraffe I think.
Well thats all for now g2g sleep. Ciao for now!
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