Sunday, September 7, 2008

Haha my line.. anywayss

So.. I don't want to start some huge dumb politic fight cause it really doesn't matter to me, but... i'm kind of curious. Who does everyone want to win? Obama or Mccain? Personally, i like Obama better, but that's just me :) I want to know what everyone thinks about this ha ha. I don't want to fight or see who is better or anything cause like i said, i don't care.. at all.. ha ha so yeah i'm just kind of curious. If you could vote, who would you vote for?



Techie57 said...

I would definitely vote Obama. McCain is anti-choice and against homosexual marriage - and while I don't plan on experiencing either, those are some pretty huge things to have wrong with you. Obama also has the right idea about racism, the war, and the environment - so there's really no downside.

How about everyone else?

SWA said...

obama. I really want/hope that he'll win. i wouldn't have minded if McCain won before, but since he picked one of the most incompetent running mate (palin) i have to say OBAMA!

p.s. if this makes little to no sense, sry im really tired and i just got back from cross country practice!

Sydney said...


McCain is ready to croak any minute and I'd rather not have 30 year old Alaskan governor take over our country...

Techie57 said...

LOL. Yeah, no offense, but... Sarah Palin is kind of a hick. And you know that the only reason it's OK for her daughter to be pregnant is because she's Republican. If Michelle Obama had a pregnant daughter, the Republicans would be attacking her left and right. But since it's Bristol (ugh) Palin, they're like OH IT'S THE MIRACLE OF LIFE AND SINCE WE'RE SO ANTI-ABORTION OF *COURSE* SHE'S KEEPING IT (WE MADE HER)

SWA said...


happy_endings93 said...

oh yeah definitely obama for me too ha ha palin can't run a country if she can't even control what her kids do. i know it's the kids faults too, but part is the parents also because of how they were raised and stuff like that. i don't want some idiot running the country and a like 80-year-old guy who is about to die and let a dumb woman run the country. i'm not sexist ha ha but i'd rather experience a black man running our country before i let a woman go into the white house and be pres. i mean srrsly.. women.. pfft.. haha jeez and i'm a girl.. -.-'' but yeah. definitely obama XD

Chantal said...

I prefer not to talk about my political opinions. I will say that my friends all want Obama, except for 2. Luv ya'll!!!!!