Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Coolest pictures ever.

I'm Techie57, and I approve these photographs.


~Silver said...

love the pics, you are really good.
Thanks for the comment you left on my blog, but I'm gona have to turn down your offer, I had have about four blogs, and I really don't think I can post on another one too, thanks anyways, I hope you guys continue reading my blog, it's nice to know someone's hearing me, I'll still be looking for updates on your so umm l8r.

Techie57 said...

No problem, thanks for checking it out. The Sushi Cheft found your blog and referred you, so... yeah.

Catman03 said...

Hi, sorry i haven't posted in a while: my computer's broken, and i can't afford a new one until the first week of May. Anyways, i see things are going well. Nice pictures, as usual. Any new authors (other than Liz)?

Jacob WR said...

Nice pics. Especially the second one.

Techie57 said...

Glad you approve. And no, no new authors. As you can see, we invited one, but were declined. Things are going mostly well - StumbleUpon has made a slight difference in our hit counter, but we need more members and more posts. I think I'll probably pester Alex about that again.